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禅心使命 -- 打造一个让您身心喜悦、富足的空间! 

禅心装饰-- 一个诠释「禅与设计」概念的品牌。其创始人罗延造先生,乃是虔诚的禅修者,修禅多年,对禅意有独特的理解。秉承着传播禅与设计的责任,明确了自己终生的使命,罗延造创下了禅心装饰。


Zen rhyme space design agency ── an interpretation of "Zen and design" concept of the brand. Its founder Mr. Luo Yanzao, but devout Buddhists, meditation for many years, has a unique understanding of Zen. Adhering to the promotion and Zen design duty, clear his lifelong mission, Luo Yan Yun Chan made a record space design agency. No matter what style, strength Western European or Chinese, Zen design tends to make perfect, but in the space of the user, it will feel the impact of Zen, the heart will be calm and peaceful.